Everyone may say, “Think out of the box!”

But why not think about what we can do with it?

Creativity begins within us when ideas start to flow in our heads. It has no ages and time limits because there are no boundaries of being creative. Yet, it takes courage to present it.

I remember, when I was younger, I used to express my thoughts in painting. I loved doing it, but for some reason I stopped. Many years later, I started with my work again, but in a different way.

Whenever I muse, I let a memory be captured in a picture. Later, that moment will be implemented on a canvas in digital and colorful layers.


As Wassily Kandinsky said, “There is no MUST in art because art is free”

… and he was right!

I let myself be inspired by such a great artist.

Since the early days, I’ve realized that inspiration is not ONLY something that exists inside us, but it is something that we must inhale from the outside. We need it from the outside world, from everything and everyone we encounter.

Art would be an ART when the artist is present in it as their work highlights their emotions that everyone may not see but the artist.

To me, an artist should not create their Work how they see and what will be seen in it.
